Spoof of Political Propaganda
Political advertisements are a very sensitive and manipulative form of art. They use propaganda to motivate the viewer to accomplish a task. Even though it is similar to product or service advertising (buy my product/service to feel better), in many instances political advertising takes it one step further to create fear and distrust of our fellow citizens. The rhetoric spewed by politicians through many generations of voters creates and maintains a chasm which is difficult to cross and to find mutually agreeable solutions.
For this assignment, I recalled what Hillary Clinton said regarding her opposing party's voters- she called them "deplorables." This immediately set a division between who is or is not a deplorable by using the propaganda technique of name calling. Nobody in their right mind wants to be a deplorable, so they may side with Clinton. Furthermore, it sets a negative tone to the other party as to those types of individuals. Those individuals are not your friend, family, or coworker, but somebody to disdain and fight against. I am tired of seeing my family broken apart over politics, or people spit on and beaten for a different political viewpoint. We are all Americans that seek a better way of life. Although there may be vast differences between what we feel is right, our fellow citizens should still be respected because they are people. They are mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, friends and colleagues who have inherent value (not the value bequeathed by their political viewpoint).

To create the political spoof, I choose a clipart that depicted two politicians debating. The politician on the left looks angry, so I choose to have him verbalize the name calling propaganda with current incendiary verbage: bigot, terrorist, phobic. The politician on the right appears to be supplying a calm response by saying that individuals are a colleague, patriot, or caretaker. Their speech balloons both reference the same multi-ethinic citizens that have different viewpoints; however, one divides and one unites. The multi-ethnic individuals are depicted to have the viewer see themself as one of the characters and recognize that they are a part of the wonderous diversity experienced in the United States. I chose this to include my own political propaganda known as bandwagon. Below them is a remider that politicians may divide, but we can rise above by maintaining respect for individuals and supporting their right to choice at the ballot box.
Political debate clipart: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/240540.htm. Accessed 7 November 2022.
Multi-ethnic clipart: Adobe stock, file# 279171923, https://stock.adobe.com/images/diversity-concept-background-group-of-happy-multi-ethnic-people-standing-together-vector-illustration/279171923?prev_url=detail. Accessed with standard license 7 November 2022.
Gone nuclear face icon: Personally created clipart.