For my fellow students in Art 245, what does this image mean to you? How do you define success? For further information on this project and the reasons why I created this metaphor, visit the following link- https://jammin1943.wixsite.com/technicolortreats/general-8-1
The following links are the citation for the background and embedded images.
Expensive home and car: Sunwest Custom Homes- https://businesspress.vegas/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/12999580_web1_copy_3-Front-ext-garages.jpg?crop=1
Friends and family: My mom’s picture of our family as seen on her Facebook page.
Mechanic: Image by PeopleCreations on Freepik- https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/smiling-mechanic-with-arms-crossed-spanner_1005755.htm
Runner: Runner’s World photographer Chris Hinkle- https://www.runnersworld.com/training/a28198094/talking-to-yourself-better-performance/
Married Couple: Photographer Sujata Setia- https://www.insider.com/photographer-captures-elderly-couples-posing-like-newlyweds-life-lessons-2019-12